Ohé les enfants (de tous les âges): les orang-outans

C’est une publicité Iceland, interdite au Royaume-Uni!

Tous les adultes devraient savoir ça, mais surtout tous les enfants, car ainsi ils le sauront avant d’être adultes, autrement dit ils seront des adultes qui auront ça dans leur logiciel.

Parce que les adultes d’aujourd’hui, ils n’ont pas encore montré qu’ils sont à la hauteur!

Crédit youtube: Alain E.
Et pour les anglophones et profs d’anglais, voici le texte original, dit par Emma Thompson, et qui rime:   (Crédit recherche pas-Google: Wergosum)

There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom and I don’t know what to do.

She plays with all my teddies and keeps borrowing my shoe.
She destroys all of my house plants and she keeps on shouting ‘oo’.
She throws away my chocolate and she howls at my shampoo.

There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom and I don’t want her to stay,
So I told the naughty Rang-Tan that she had to go away.
Oh, Rang-Tan in my bedroom, just before you go,
Why were you in my bedroom? I really want to know.

There’s a human in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
He destroyed all of our trees for your food and your shampoo.
There’s a human in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
He took away my mother and I’m scared he’ll take me, too.
There are humans in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
They’re burning it for palm oil so I thought I’d stay with you.

Oh Rang-Tan in my bedroom now I do know what to do.
I’ll fight to save your home and I’ll stop you feeling blue.
I’ll share your story far and wide so others can fight too.
Oh Rang-Tan in my bedroom I swear it on the stars:
the future’s not yet written but I’ll make sure it’s ours

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